Restaurant Technology News

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In the Spotlight

How Restaurants Can Use AI to Enhance the Guest Experience

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can feel like a big leap for many in the restaurant industry. For some, it’s a source of excitement; for others, it seems like a futuristic challenge. But the truth is, AI is already here, quietly transforming how restaurants operate, making things smoother for staff and more personalized for guests. AI isn’t about robots taking over jobs in the kitchen. It’s about using smart technology to capture and analyze data, streamline operations, and create a better experience for guests. Let’s dive into a few key ways AI is doing that today. Smarter, More Personalized Ordering One of the biggest ways AI is enhancing the guest experience is through personalized ordering. By analyzing past orders and preferences, AI can suggest menu items that guests are likely to enjoy. This not only speeds up the ordering process but also helps guests feel like the restaurant “knows” them. Even better, [...]

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