opsi Introduces Food Costing Tool to Empower Restaurant Teams

Submitted Announcement

With active recipe analysis, restaurant teams can monitor the profitability of menu items in real-time, allowing informed decisions about pricing and identifying any necessary product price adjustments.

opsi, a new workflow app for chefs, introduces a new Food Costing Tool to provide real-time recipe costs for accurate daily food production expenditure. This tool is another way opsi is working to empower kitchen teams, maximize efficiency, and centralize all workflows. 

Opsi’s new Recipe Costing Tool is a game-changer for all restaurants and provides a comprehensive toolkit for managing and optimizing food costs. With active recipe analysis, restaurant teams can monitor the profitability of menu items in real-time, allowing informed decisions about pricing and identifying any necessary product price adjustments.

Says opsi Co-Founder Matt Luckey, “We are excited to present the addition of opsi’s Food Costing feature into the platform. As food costs continue to rise, this is an excellent opportunity for kitchen teams to reduce waste, forecast accurately, and track daily use for specific recipes.” 

opsi was founded by Luckey and James Passafaro, childhood friends with complementary backgrounds. Luckey brings expertise in product design, while Passafaro boasts over 16 years of experience as a chef in the restaurant industry. Recognizing the need to streamline workflows and improve efficiency in the fast-paced and often chaotic kitchen environment, the duo joined forces. Familiar with the challenges faced in the industry, Passafaro understood the importance of an innovative solution that directly addressed the problem at hand.

The historical tracking feature enables users to track changes in food costs, providing insight into cost fluctuations on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. When developing new menu items, the live costing feature ensures the cost of ingredients align with budgeted margins. By monitoring the cost of each component while building and refining recipes, proactively managing costs becomes easier. 

“We’re constantly working with the feedback we receive from our chef partners and clients to add new features and improve opsi. As a former chef, I would have been thrilled to have access to a Food Costing Tool like this,” says Passafaro. “ With thin margins and current pricing of products in the restaurant industry, we hope this new addition will give restaurants and their kitchen staff the edge they need to make their lives easier when it comes to daily production.”

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