Market Research

Research: 55% of Restaurants Plan to Adopt New Technologies in 2023

According to a nationwide study of 466 U.S. restaurant owners and operators conducted by Popmenu, a leading innovator in digital marketing and ordering technology that works with over 10,000 independent restaurants and hospitality group, the […]

Market Research

Research: 86% of Restaurant Chefs Are Interested in Serving Cultivated Meat

According to new research findings, restaurant chefs are optimistic that cultivated meat will become fully integrated into mainstream hospitality culture and restaurants relatively soon, with 79% believing it will happen in less than one year […]

Market Research

Research: 71% of Consumers Say Restaurant Technology, Both Online and On-Premise, Improves Their Guest Experience

Despite increasing food and energy prices and tighter budgets, U.S. consumers continue to actively support local restaurants with 58% stating that they are eating restaurant food more often this year compared to 2021. Recognizing financial […]

Market Research

Research: 60% of “High-Tech Consumers” Participate in Loyalty Programs at QSRs; 75% Do So At Table-Service Restaurants

New market research conducted by restaurant solution provider Paytronix Systems finds a definite correlation between technology adoption and eagerness to join loyalty programs or subscription services. High-tech consumers — those who own the greatest number […]

Market Research

Research: 3 in 4 Restaurant Customers Expect More Digitally-Enabled Experiences Both Online and On-Premise

After enduring a “will this ever end?” hiatus from on-premise dining, restaurants are beginning to fill tables and waitlists again…but consumers remain cautious and expect safety-conscious, digitally-enabled dining experiences to continue into the foreseeable future. […]