In the Spotlight

How to Get Started with Making Your Restaurant Smarter  

For years there has been talk of “making restaurants smarter” by rolling out large scale IoT implementations. However, for the most part, that is all it’s been ― talk. Now more than ever, we need […]

In the Spotlight

7 Security Investments Restaurants Should Evaluate for their 2021 Budget

Restaurant chains have had a roller coaster of a year in 2020 with start-stop recovery and uncertainty about the future going into 2021. While the short-term growth prospects are uncertain, there is no denying the […]

In the Spotlight

How Technology Can Keep Your Restaurant Staff Safe This Winter

This is going to be a difficult winter. With no end to the COVID-19 crisis in sight and hopes for a substantial relief package dwindling, restaurant owners are looking for solutions that will allow them […]

In the Spotlight

Reducing COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission in Restaurants: Emerging Best Practices

Over the past several months, a new scientific consensus has been forming around the transmission mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Whereas initial reports stated that the primary mechanism was tied to large […]

In the Spotlight

10 Ways a Contactless POS Can Boost Restaurant Loyalty, Revenue and Profits

If there is a silver lining to COVID-19, it’s that contactless dining has accelerated the digital transformation of the restaurant industry. Rather than closing their doors as the pandemic lingers on, restaurateurs are seeking new […]

In the Spotlight

How Advanced Technologies Can Help Restaurants Combat Food Waste 

Every year, roughly 63 million tons of food waste is sent to landfill in America, and with costs of around $218 billion to grow, process, transport, and subsequently dispose of that organic produce, it’s an […]