In the Spotlight

Implementing the Right Technologies to Make Your Restaurant Contactless

Long before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, new technologies were propelling us toward contactless business exchanges. If you’ve had a Zoom visit with your doctor, ordered Starbucks via their phone app, or paid for […]


3 Ways Restaurants Are Toasting to Technology

As COVID-19 became widespread in the United States, restaurant owners across the country scrambled to mitigate their worst nightmare — closing. Almost immediately, restaurants turned to curbside pickup, socially distanced wait lines and online ordering, […]

In the Spotlight

How Technology and Digital Gift Cards Can Help Restaurants Combat the Economic Fallout from Coronavirus

While the coronavirus pandemic is affecting nearly all industries, state-mandated restaurant closures have led to particularly dire effects throughout the food service industry. Many restaurants are being forced to shut down operations, resulting in financial […]

In the Spotlight

The State of Restaurant Technology: 3 Major Trends for the Post-COVID World

The past few months have seen the restaurant industry entirely upended and transformed. Technology that had been gathering steam for years, like customer ordering kiosks and shared tablets for waitstaff, is suddenly no longer viable. […]

In the Spotlight

How Data-Driven Technology Solutions Can Curb Restaurant Food Waste

Food waste is a concerning, albeit familiar, issue in the restaurant industry. An estimated one-third of all food is lost across various industries, equating to nearly $100 billion in value every year. Similarly, 70 percent […]

In the Spotlight

Debunking Restaurant Technology Myths

Now more than ever, technology is an essential part of restaurant operations as it substitutes for human interaction. In the face of a public health crisis, technology has become a necessity, helping restaurants stay open. […]